Seattle Flashing Lights



Oh hello! I am Stephanie, the owner and lead photographer of Seattle Flashing Lights Photography, where I get to create amazing photos of amazing people and places!

My journey has been a bit of a winding path, and it has been filled with awesome adventures. I started my “career” studying to become a pilot (which I am – commercially rated and everything!)…so of course it would make sense that my logical steps would be from piloting to photography (I joke that I am actually making my way through the alphabet backwards...next, pharmaceuticals then onto Petroleum Control Panel Operator)…but the truth is my passion for photography has been brewing since as early as I can remember.



I tear up at every wedding I photograph, I am a huge fan of L.O.V.E.
I got my first camera at age 8 and started taking pictures of everything I could and submitting my work to local competitions. I continued to upgrade my equipment and my skills taking classes, researching new techniques and working hard in the field practicing different styles. Photography is freeing to me, allowing me to catch moments in time, the truest emotions, the feelings of this world and tell stories without words. It has brought me to some incredible places and has introduced me to even more incredible people – I truly love every second that I am behind my lenses!

Fun facts about me: I am originally from Western Washington and my heart will always be in Seattle no matter where I go. I fell in-love with my college crush and we have been married for almost 11 years, he is really rad y’all!

I am lead lady to our two dogs Nola, a scruffy terrier mix and Mika a Brittany mix street dog from Greece, both whom I love an embarrassingly large amount (I sing to them all the time and have roughly 53 adorably dorky nicknames for them). I lived in Prescott, AZ for about 5 years and also spent a summer abroad living in Paris, both were huge inspirations to my landscape and architecture photography styles. Travel is my other passion and luckily gets to go hand in hand with my photography! I have been to every continent including Antarctica (which was AMAZING) and over 40 countries and counting. I am an avid connoisseur of pizza and wine, often times enjoying both together.


I work with an amazing team of photographers that add so much creative talent, visual artistry and personality to our company! Our team is some of the best in the business and our top two focus areas are providing aw-inspiring, creatively artistic photos that you will always be excited about and offering top notch customer service! We promise to do our best to be flexible and easy going, while always giving you what YOU want through our creative stylings and working to achieve YOUR desired results in end products. Our customers inspire us and we always want you to walk away happy and will do everything we can to make that happen! Our ideal clients are ones who trust our creative minds, love adventure, aren’t afraid to get dirty for the perfect shot and have a great time with us!

Savannah is an awesome addition to the Seattle Flashing Lights team – she has been working with us since early 2015 and has proven to be an invaluable creative powerhouse!  Savannah is originally from San Diego, and brings with her a sunny personality full of passion for her craft.  She is honing her technical skills in a full-time Photography program at Photographic Center NW.  When she isn’t shooting breathtaking photos for Seattle Flashing Lights, she can be found exploring her new home of Seattle and the great NW, snapping awesome landscape shots and special creative art projects usually featuring her sweet puppy Lily, hiking in beautiful NW destinations, and planning her next awesome travel adventure!  So excited to have this gal on-board!
