About Seattle Flashing LIghts Photography
My journey has been a bit of a winding path, and it has been filled with awesome adventures. I started my “career” studying to become a pilot (which I am – commercially rated and everything!)…so of course it would make sense that my logical steps would be from piloting to photography (I joke that I am actually making my way through the alphabet backwards...next, pharmaceuticals then onto Petroleum Control Panel Operator)…but the truth is my passion for photography has been brewing since as early as I can remember.
I got my first camera at age 8 and started taking pictures of everything I could and submitting my work to local competitions. I continued to upgrade my equipment and my skills taking classes, researching new techniques and working hard in the field practicing different styles. Photography is freeing to me, allowing me to catch moments in time, the truest emotions, the feelings of this world and tell stories without words. It has brought me to some incredible places and has introduced me to even more incredible people – I truly love every second that I am behind my lenses! Fun facts about me:
I am originally from Western Washington and my heart will always be in Seattle no matter where I go

Photography is an investment in memories, and when you work with us, your investment will be very worth while!
Portrait, Engagement, Family
Commercial & Event
Photo Booth
Build Your Own Adventure!

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.

Seattle Flashing Lights Photography is a full-service wedding and special event photography company, there to capture all the memories.